IDA Dyslexia Handbook – What Every Family Should Know
IDA members include experts who offer a variety of services. These services include assessment, legal assistance, advocacy, speech-language therapy, academic language therapy, educational therapy, tutoring, and more. Below are state and province directories of IDA professional, educational, and corporate members who have agreed to be a point of contact and referral source for various professional services.
While the IDA does not recommend or endorse any individual, business, school, or program, the following list of providers is available to help inform parents, advocates, and other stakeholders seeking professional services.
Professional, Educational, and Corporate IDA members may apply for a listing in the Provider Directory.
To apply for a listing, update a listing, or upgrade your membership level, please contact IDA’s Information Department at or (410) 296-0232.
Click here to view the D. C. Capital Area Directory.
The books, assistive technologies and websites identified in ‘Resources’ are for informational purposes only and should not constitute an endorsement by IDA DC Capitol.
From ABC to ADHD: What Parents Should Know About Dyslexia and Attention Problems
Eric Q Tridas, 2007
The International Dyselxia Association Baltimore MD
The Learning Brain: Lessons for Education
Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne and Frith, Uta, 2005
Learning Disabilties: From Identification to Intervention
Fletcher, Jack M., Lyon, G. Reid; Fuchs, Lynn S.; Barnes, Marcia A, 2007
The Guildford Press, New York NY
Academic Success Strategies for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities & ADHD
Minskoff, Esther and Allsopp, David, 2003
Paul H. Brookes Publishing, Baltimore MD
Never Too Late to Read: Language Skills for the Adolescent with Dyslexia
Tuley, Ann Cashwell, foreward by Jeanne S. Chall, 1998
York Press, Timonium MD
Other Resources
A software tool that enables those with dyslexia, dysgraphia, attention deficit disorder (ADD), and other reading disabilities and those who are blind or vision impaired to learn and succeed alongside their peers.
Read & Write Gold
Read & Write Gold is a text reading and writing program developed to assist children and adults with reading and writing disabilities.
Brainstorming, Outlining, and writing software using mind maps and graphic organizers.
Note taking help – the Smartpen records everything you hear and write.
The WatchMinder allows the user to create discreet cues throughout the day to perform specific tasks or modify or reinforce specific behaviors.
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